
1 SEAT AVAILABLE. Please contact us barbara.rossi@lsacademy.com


The aim of this course is to improve medical writing skills & the quality of texts that you regularly prepare or review. Whether your text is an email, laboratory report, summary, regulatory submission, manuscript or business proposal, learn to make your message effective.

The online course will be divided into 2 X 3,5-hour modules spread over 1 week:

  • Substantive & technical aspects of medical writing & editing
  • Brief review of key punctuation points affecting meaning & readability
  • Structuring texts, considering logic & text flow
  • Improving readability
  • More on improving readability & avoiding distractions for your reader
  • Document review & working within a team
  • Tips & tools to improve the medical writing & reviewing process, including proofreading

Throughout all 2 modules in the course: considering the reader

This course is for anyone preparing or reviewing texts who needs to ensure that the intended message is conveyed effectively.

Participant experience 

This course will benefit both those new to medical writing & those wishing to improve their medical writing skills, as well as those who regularly review scientific, technical & medical texts.

Each module will comprise lectures, practical hands-on exercises & text review sessions.

Barbara Grossman

Barbara Grossman

Hawkeye Medical Limited

Barbara Grossman has a passion for proofreading, quality control, and education. She started Hawkeye Medical Limited, a medical writing and consultancy business, after working for a medical publishing company and then a contract research organisation, where she built up and managed its medical writing group. Barbara runs professional development training for companies and educational institutions. She has had many roles in the European Medical Writers Association (EMWA): workshop leader since 2001, Treasurer 1998–2005, member of the Education Committee 2010–2018, Education Officer 2014–2016. She was awarded an EMWA fellowship in 2005 and was EMWA President for 1 year until May 2020. In addition, Barbara is an Associate Editor of Medical Writing, EMWA’s journal.

Online training – 2 modules

November 23rd, 2021             09:30 am – 1:00 pm CET

November 24th, 2021             09:30 am – 1:00 pm CET

Some days before the online training you will receive all details about the connection.

The course admits maximum 12 attendees.

The course will proceed with a minimum number of participants. Should this number not be reached the registered participants will be notified one week prior to the commencement of the course.

Early Bird: € 660,00* (until 26 October 2021)

Ordinary: € 850,00*

Freelance – Academy – Public Administration**: € 429,00*

 for Italian companies: +22% VAT

**Early Bird discount not applicable to Freelance – Academy – Public Administration fee

The fee includes: tuitions, organizational office assistance, teaching materials and attendance certificate that will be sent after the training via e-mail.


Ticket not available

Printable Version
At the end of the training, you will be able to
Risultato atteso
Effectively communicate with your intended reader
Risultato atteso
Prepare texts more efficiently than previously
Risultato atteso
Review documents constructively
Risultato atteso
Compile & use checklists to facilitate both text preparation & review
Risultato atteso
Ensure that high quality documents are produced

<p><span>Online interactive training on Zoom platform. </span></p>
<p><em>LS Academy will provide the access link to the virtual platform a few days before the training.</em></p>

Online interactive training on Zoom platform. 

LS Academy will provide the access link to the virtual platform a few days before the training.

<p><span>Online interactive training on Zoom platform. </span></p>
<p><em>LS Academy will provide the access link to the virtual platform a few days before the training.</em></p>