Are you interested in setting up a workshop?
If so, do you want to ensure that your workshop delivers the best experience for participants?
You will want participants to learn something new, be inspired, interact and enjoy discussion with others, but most of all enjoy the experience. The designer of a workshop must consider a wide range of elements: delivery face-to-face or via a virtual platform such as Zoom; participant expectations; scheduling; participant comfort; communication before the workshop; the administrative challenges of delivering multiple workshops; materials and resources; venue and arrangement of equipment and furniture if face-to-face; IT issues if delivered virtually; methods of participation and exercises; slides and other visual aids; how best to start off the workshop; matters arising and feedback after the workshop; and contingency planning for overrunning, underrunning and the unexpected!
The workshop, built around a 'Workshop Design Toolkit', aims at sharing the trainer’s extensive experience in planning and delivering effective workshops either to internal team or external stakeholders.