Evolvement of Pharmacovigilance Today and in the Near Future
Pharmacovigilance is ‘hotter’ than ever. A simple search on Social Media can give a good idea of the impact of pandemic on Pharmacovigilance. How the perceptions of clinical research, drug approval and adverse events among the public have evolved; adaptations to the regulatory framework to address challenges arising from the current situation; and the change to the way that ‘PV people’ work.
At the same time, Brexit and implementation of the new regulatory base of pharmacovigilance in the UK, as well as in the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU) countries, have transformed Pharmacovigilance to a key element brought to the attention of all pharmaceutical industry players. For years, a globally harmonized approach to Pharmacovigilance has been discussed as a concept for integrated regulations. Considering the recent developments, are we Getting Closer or Further Away from Harmonized systems?
The third edition of the International Pharmacovigilance Days, organized by LS Academy, will focus on all these topics, among others:
- What are the points to be considered when a PV system is set up outside the EU?
- What are the inspection and quality aspects challenges under the new Legislation Era?
- Is a transition from an EU-QPPV Office to International QPPV Office required?
- How has the COVID-19 affected the digital transformation of PV? Is this ‘new way we work’ here to stay?
- PV Technologies reality check – where do we stand? Are the promises of technology coming true?
- Are new PV business models required to meet current and future needs? Pharmacovigilance outsourcing and vendor oversight – what are the trends and best practices?
- Current discussions for accelerated drug approval and safety monitoring: Will they have a further impact on patients’ involvement on drug development?
Register to attend this 5-day event that will be held online from June 14th to June 18th 2021.
Scientific Coordinator
Biomapas’ Pharmacovigilance Team
Who should attend?
The event is designed for professionals in the field of Pharmacovigilance from Pharmaceutical Industry, CROs, Patient Associations and Healthcare Organizations, Regulatory Authorities.
For any further information, and sponsorship opportunities contact us
Quote di iscrizione
Full attendance | 5 appointments
€ 480,00* Super Early Bird fee until April 17th, 2021
€ 560,00* Early Bird fee until June 4th, 2021
€ 650,00* Ordinary fee
€ 320,00* Freelance, Academy, Public Administration
* for Italian companies: +22% VAT
Fee includes: access to the virtual conference, organizational support, certificate of attendance, slide presentations in pdf format provided post-event.

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