We’ve all listened to experts delivering presentations on interesting and relevant topics. However, sometimes we see a slide that is impossible to read in 30 seconds because it’s too busy, text is too small or poor contrast makes text difficult to see. And what about slides with multiple fonts, font sizes and colours; inconsistent line and paragraph spacing; poorly aligned text and images; arrows piercing text boxes? We are left thinking: ‘Great topic, but it’s a shame the slides were poor’.
As biomedical communication specialists, whether designing slides for someone else or for our own use when presenting to others, we all want to create good slides. This workshop is about designing professional-looking, easily read and effective slides and slide decks. We’ll look at some poor slides, consider basic principles and admire some nice slides. We’ll consider more complex slides and slides designed for self-guided learning. We’ll consider some tools that make life easier, but this is not a PowerPoint workshop!