
How many times have you attended a presentation with a good title, an interesting topic, and an expert presenter, but there was something “off” with the slides? Or, let’s be honest, the slides were just…horrible? You know how they look: overcrowded, poor contrast, and/or minuscule font, creating an immense urge to look anywhere but the slides! We are left with the feeling that it could have been such a great presentation, what a shame the slides were horrible!

As biomedical communication experts, we want to create good slides, either for ourselves or when designing them for someone else. This workshop is about designing professional-looking, easily read and effective slides and slide decks. We’ll look at some poor slides, consider basic principles and admire some nice slides. We’ll consider more complex slides and slides designed for self-guided learning. We’ll consider some tools and software that make life easier, but this is not a PowerPoint workshop!


    Rogues’ gallery: uncovering slides that should never have existed
    Welcoming diversity: form follows the purpose
    Challenges when preparing slides
    Presenting live vs. viewing at leisure
    Creating the storyline: structure and flow
    Slides for oral presentations: 10 tips
    Slide rules: time per slide, avoiding text and clutter
    Distraction: appropriate delivery of text, images and speech
    Lists: often necessary, but make them as pleasant to view as possible
    The little things: fonts, bullets, spacing, alignment, and how to prevent ‘jumping’
    Useful tools and software (Canva)
    Backgrounds, colours, contrasts, margins, resolution
    Text and images on the same slide
    Examples of complex slides
    Principles of designing self-guided learning slides, with examples
    Proofing: achieving a professional finish


    • Discussion: diversity of presentations
    • Discussion: challenges when designing slides
    • Which style of emphasis do you prefer?
    • Which method of combining text and an image on a slide do you prefer?
    • Experience/discussion about using PowerPoint tools and other software (e.g., Canva)
    • Exercise: critique a sloppy slide

    Agenda (timetable) 

    14:00 Introductions and objectives
    14:15 Principles of slide deck design
    15:00 Short break
    15:05 Creating the storyline
    16:00 Break
    16:15 Detailed design
    17:00 Short break
    17:05 Useful tools and software
    17:45 Wrap-up and final questions
    Note: times are approximate

    This workshop is for anyone using slides to communicate biomedical information: medical writers, employees of pharmaceutical and medical device companies, medical practitioners, doctoral and postdoctoral researchers.


    • The workshop is intended to be a ‘two-way’ learning and discussion experience (not a webinar); questions and subsequent discussion are welcome at any time during the workshop
    • Lecturer will deliver short presentations and use slide examples
    • Breakout rooms for smaller groups to consider/discuss an issue
    • Polling questions
    Diana Ribeiro

    Diana Ribeiro

    Senior medical writer and pharmacist

    Diana started her career as a pharmacy technician, then completed her training as a pharmacist in the Faculty of Pharmacy of the University of Lisbon. She also obtained a post-graduate degree in Phytotherapy and a professional certification as a Clinical Research Associate.

    After working in healthcare for more than 15 years, Diana became a freelance medical writer in 2019, working on both medical communications and regulatory documents.

    To keep updated with the latest developments and further her knowledge in the medical writing and regulatory areas, Diana is an active member of both the European Medical Writing Association (EMWA) and the Regulatory Affairs Professionals Society (RAPS).

    She is also a member of the Association of Health Care Journalists (AHCJ), where she gains valuable insights about communicating with the public.

    Online training:

    June 09th, 2022 – 02:00 06:00 pm CEST

    Some days before the online training you will receive all details about the connection.

    The course will proceed with a minimum number of participants. Should this number not be reached the registered participants will be notified one week prior to the commencement of the course.

    Early Bird: € 465,00(until 09 May 2022)

    Ordinary: € 595,00

    Freelance – Academy – Public Administration**: € 370,00*

    for Italian companies: +22% VAT

    ** Early Bird discount not applicable to Freelance – Academy – Public Administration fee

    The fee includes: tuitions, organizational office assistance, teaching materials and attendance certificate that will be sent after the training via e-mail.


    Ticket non più acquistabile

    Versione Stampabile
    Cosa saprai fare dopo il corso
    Risultato atteso
    Appreciate the diversity of presentations and therefore the diversity of slide deck designs
    Risultato atteso
    Recognise the factors that differentiate an unclear/horrible slide from a clear, professional-looking slide
    Risultato atteso
    . Make your life easier by using some important slide design tools, or software other than PowerPoint

    <p><span>Online interactive training on Zoom platform. </span></p>
<p><em>LS Academy will provide the access link to the virtual platform a few days before the training.</em></p>

    Online interactive training on Zoom platform. 

    LS Academy will provide the access link to the virtual platform a few days before the training.

    <p><span>Online interactive training on Zoom platform. </span></p>
<p><em>LS Academy will provide the access link to the virtual platform a few days before the training.</em></p>